Cancer Affects Families: Please Read Kaci’s Story

by Suzanne on March 11, 2011

in Tidbits & Miscellaneous

Cancer seems to affect us all in some way or another, we either have family or friends affected by it.  I know this is a blog mostly dedicated to food but there is more to life than “food” and I wanted to share with you what happened to one of my friends that I grew up with.   You see, my friend David lost his young wife Kaci (34) to cancer this week and they have six children ranging from 3 years of age to 12 years of age.  The story is heartbreaking so if you choose to read their story have a tissue near by.

I’m also writing this post to give David some added help and reach as many people as we can~that is the wonderful thing about the internet it allows us to reach so many in a relatively short amount of time.  I am also writing this for those of us who want to do something for them and don’t live close enough to do anything in person this is the next best thing I can think of.

If you can’t do anything financially that is okay maybe you can be more aware, more compassionate of the lives that others are living and when someone accidentally cuts you off or mistakenly treats you bad, then maybe you can think they might be going through something terrible right now, and it wasn’t intentionally meant to tick you off.  Often times we all get caught up in the “me” cycle of thinking and need to be jolted out of our own problems and realize there are many more people in this world who may have it worse than we do.

My heart is full of gratitude for people like Kaci who’s out look on life far surpass mine.  Kaci’s family should be proud of the person she is and for the lives she touched.  If you want to read some exceprts from her blog here are a few, so you can get to know her better.

If you are interested in Donating to David and his family click here and follow it down to the end of the page. It’s easy and it’s secure too, takes just 2 minutes time.

Life is precious so tell the ones you love that you love them and be the kind of person you have always wanted to be!

Thanks for reading 🙂

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